Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i was in tokyo last summer and when i arrived
my friend's mom gave me this japanese traditional
clothes 'yukata'. she said it's originated from
bath clothes (after bath)... during summer in japan,
since its made with cotton (and its thin) people
wear em outside casually. one thing i noticed
was, in korea (or some other countries) they wear
their traditional clothes only on special occasion,
but in japan, its very common that people wear
yukata everywhere anytime... even in clubs,
there were girls dancin in these. it was cool
experience that i walked around the streets
in tokyo with my friend wearing these, spottin
other japanese girls wearing the same
(but different designs!)
ok that was my fashion moment


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like such an interesting experience....and so new to see you in a Yukata!
