Thursday, January 28, 2010

Drop Crotches

My significant fashion moment/article of clothing happened pretty recent.
It happened over this winter break,
Fall semester had ended, I had a new obsession with shapes (along with nylon and masks but thats another adventure), with how shapes interact with the body with use of cloth. And this image of some drop crotch pants had been sitting on my desktop since around November:

I had told myself when I get some time I am going to attempt to re-create some drop crotch pants. So with all this time on my hands now that the semester had ended I got to work on my
drop crotch adventure. I did not know anything about clothing creation, all I had was this picture and my hands. So for about a week I played with different muslins, and finally got to something that was exciting and seemed to fit perfectly. So then I went about creating the pants:

I wore the pants all winter break (for the most part) some people found them fascinating some people were confused some people mentioned MC hammer, and others didn't notice a change.
These pants remain so significant, as they stand for the first piece of wearable clothing that I had created for myself, and I hope their memory lives on as I learn, explore and grow.
(right now there is a tear in the left inner thigh that I need to attend to some day soon =( )

Alex P.

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