Thursday, February 25, 2010

alex puckett proposal

Weight, forms, shapes...created by the existence of an outer “skin” exposing its inner being/form/idea. These exposures that I am interested in only seem to be possible/visible/understandable for me with the presence of the outside surface. And this is what I am interested in and I want to explore, with co-relation to the body in a sculptural garment form. Growing, conjoining with use of elastic materials. I want to examine how these abnormalities or regularities occur in living beings on earth, both scientifically and visually. I want to exaggerate these forms. Along with these forms and entities concerning abnormalities and regularities in forms on living creatures, I also want to explore the particular way my mind works in gendering objects and shapes on the body and off the body. As noticed in my first project I took something very simple, a wine glass, and attempted to bring up questions concerning the relationship I have with it’s form. This project will hopefully allow for a more understandable dialogue to begin in my mind between these separate thoughts concerning forms and shapes.

peter pinchbeck painting

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